
10 Men React When They Find Out The Woman They’re Dating Makes Much More Money

Do you still cling to the archaic understanding of gender roles that defines a man as the “breadwinner” in a relationship? How would you react if you found out that the woman you are dating earns much more than you? After someone asked the men’s community how they felt, these answers received the most votes.

1. I found a sugar mom

One man admitted that his immediate reaction would be to start singing and dancing after he found the sugar mommy. Another hoped he was joking about the sugar mom, but admitted he would have been ecstatic too, and he was ecstatic when he found out about his current girlfriend.

He clarified that he maintains a household on one income. So the idea of ​​doubling their income is great, and the fact that she makes more money makes her attractive.

2. I date her, not her bank account.

One explained that he didn’t date women for their material possessions or what she could buy them. He’s in it for love, for everything she is, and for every moment she’s willing to share with him.

3. I never had a problem with it

One person exclaimed that he liked it! His wife was a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) making $135,000, and he was a fire captain making $75,000 a year. When they retired, he was making $115,000; she made $175,000 and he never objected to it.

4. I prefer it this way

Another man said he was “not going to lie” and he prefers that. He further explained that he was a student and had dated many women whose work spoiled him. “You feel like a trophy that they show off, and I don’t mind; I have a beach body for a reason. Finally, he admitted that he might start hunting for the real sugar mom.

5. One of us will earn more than the other.

The reality is that one person will earn more than another. Therefore, as long as this topic is not discussed constantly, it should not become a problem. Provided that it is not held over your head with ridicule and insults. Men did not understand why this could change anything.

6. I always wanted to be a stay-at-home dad.

Some men have admitted to wanting to be stay-at-home dads or “home spouses,” even labeling it as a “life ambition.” So they would love to be with women who not only made more money than they did, but ALL the money.

7. It helps me look for other opportunities for us.

One man said that when his wife makes more money, he can retrain in another industry to pursue his passion. Another explained that he left his job as a lawyer to sort out life. If his wife wasn’t the breadwinner, he wouldn’t have the opportunity, which is why he called her “an absolute find”.

8. It was cool

Sometimes people are at different stages in life and career, and one person admitted that he was happy when others around him were successful. He explained that he was dating a woman whose taxes exceeded his annual income, and he liked it.

9. This will change over time.

Sometimes what is true today is not true tomorrow. A husband volunteered to make his wife earn twice as much as he did while he was at university and working in a laboratory. However, she wanted to be a housewife after they had children. So he changed careers, tripled his salary and took care of his family. His food? “I don’t care how much my life partner earns. This will change over time.”

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10. I would be very worried

Finally, someone shared that he would be worried that she would eventually leave him for a lower salary. Phew. He then stated that one could believe anything about equality, the modern woman, and “all that jazz”.

But he stated that “most women do NOT like being the breadwinner. So much so that they will leave a partner for no other reason.” To clarify, I’m not the one saying this, so don’t come after me in the comments.

This Reddit thread inspired this article. Do you have an opinion that a woman does more than a man in a relationship? This article is inspired by the Internet and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Wealthy Nickel.

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