
10 “Most Useless” Jobs on the Planet According to the Internet

When it comes to work, everyone has their own opinion about what is important and what is not. However, some jobs are often considered more useless than others. Whether it’s because of automation or changing social norms, people on the Internet have recognized these professions as the most useless.

1. Stewardesses

Orderlies may have been more common in the past, but many people today consider them unnecessary. After all, most people can wash their hands and dry them without assistance. Some may also find it uncomfortable to have someone else on the toilet with them.

2. Toxicologist

Some people find the work of a toxicologist relatively useless. After all, how often do you need someone to tell you if a substance is poisonous? The toxicologist explains that he works in a large laboratory.

Their main job was sorting and redirecting case files depending on when the results were received. They sent the documents to Microsoft Excel. “I was only paid to press sort by date in descending order.”

3. Paparazzi

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While some people may find celebrity gossip and scandals amusing, others find paparazzi work completely useless. After all, why do we need to know every detail about the personal lives of famous people?

Also, the tactics some paparazzi use to take their pictures, such as hiding in the bushes or chasing celebrities in their cars, can be seen as invasive and unethical.

4. Home psychic

Some people on the internet view psychic work as a waste of time and money. After all, how can anyone claim to know what a dog or cat is thinking or feeling? Also, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that home psychics have any special abilities.

5. Pharmacy Benefits Manager

One of the main problems with PBMs is that they often operate in a very non-transparent manner. They need to be more transparent about how they negotiate drug prices or how much they earn from their negotiations.

The lack of transparency can make it difficult for patients to understand why prescription drug prices are so high or why some drugs may not be covered by their insurance. That is why users consider this profession irrelevant in society.

6. Homeopath

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that claims to treat various diseases with highly diluted substances. However, despite the claims of homeopaths, there is no scientific evidence that this practice is effective.

Many medical experts criticize homeopathy as a pseudoscience and call for more rigorous testing to prove its effectiveness.

7. HOA Administrator

HOA (Home Owners Association) administrators enforce rules and regulations in the area or community. Although this may seem like an important and highly paid job, many people on the Internet consider it useless. This is because some HOAs are notorious for being overly strict and enforcing unnecessary rules that are a nuisance to homeowners.

The administration of the HOA has also been criticized for abuse of power and indifference to the problems of residents.

8. Car dealerships

Car dealerships also made it to the list of the most useless jobs on the internet. Although they play an important role in the car buying process, many people believe that car dealerships are unnecessary middlemen that add to the value of cars.

In recent years, the rise of online car buying platforms has made it easier for people to buy cars without resorting to the high-pressure sales tactics often used by car dealerships.

9. Health insurance operators

Despite the importance of health insurance, many people consider health insurance operators one of the most useless professions. This is because health insurance can be notoriously difficult to navigate, with complicated rules and procedures that often leave people feeling frustrated and confused.

Moreover, many health insurance carriers have been criticized for refusing to cover essential medical procedures and procedures that may result in serious health consequences for patients.

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10. Grocery store greeters

These are the friendly faces that greet customers when they enter the store. They usually stand at the entrance; their job is to make customers feel welcome and help them with any questions or concerns. Some users find this job pointless as there is no need to greet anyone when entering the store. On the other hand, I think it’s a job that doesn’t require any experience…

While some of the jobs on this list may seem trivial or unnecessary, it’s important to remember that each job has unique tasks and responsibilities. The fact that work may not be as important as others in modern society does not mean that at some point it was not needed.

As technology advances and social norms change, we will see even more changes in the labor market in the coming years. However, one thing is for sure – the people who occupy these “useless” jobs still make a valuable contribution to society, whether we realize it or not.

This a thread inspired this post.

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