
10 Things We’ll NEVER Buy Even though Most Americans Can’t Resist the Temptation

From designer clothes to trendy gadgets, the list of new things to splurge on is never exhaustive. This is a feature of the consumer society. But while most people succumb to these temptations, there are some things that some ordinary people say they will never spend a dollar on. The following items are their interesting choices.

1. Latest iPhone

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Every year, the iPhone releases a promotional device with some mind-blowing new technology, usually new to the phone ecosystem. But some think it’s just a way to make the phone company rich by ripping off customers who think it’s out of fashion if it’s not new.

2. False nails

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Nail technicians are the hangout of this century, with innovative designs capable of raising fashion currency. But not everyone is fascinated by acrylics and paints. According to one user, “it’s strange that some people have a sword on their fingertips.”

3. Luxury cars

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While owning a luxury car is a symbol of status and success, some users say they instead settle for the efficiency that gets them from A to B instead of glorified four-wheelers with astronomical prices. Another user believes that luxury cars depreciate in order to be worthy of the money fun.

4. Lottery ticket

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This could be your lucky day, right? These forum members disagree. One person says that a lottery ticket is a scam and its purpose is only to enrich the bookmaker. The second user says that after several losses over the years, he will never bet a dime on it again.

5. Massages

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One user says he doesn’t think massage parlors are worth the money because the feeling of relief only lasts a few hours. After the massage session, the second person complained that he became tense with elevated blood pressure readings.

6. Celebrity clothing and accessories

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Often auctioned as the ultimate prize, several forum members say they don’t understand why they should spend a dime on celebrity clothing and accessories. Some people think celebrities are trying to use their fame to sell a bunch of junk.

7. Elite makeup

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While makeup is the perfect way for some to exercise their innate self-expression, these commenters say they can’t afford to spend a small fortune on makeup. Cosmetics, argues one participant, don’t have to be expensive to serve their purpose.

8. Extended Warranty

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“It reminded me… I was trying to contact you about an extended warranty on your car,” is how one user describes the tone companies often use when asking old customers to buy products with an extended warranty. In response, many users of the thread say they will never pay for it. One person thinks this is another way to extort buyers of their hard-earned money.

9. Streaming Services

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According to many people, streaming services are wasteful holes. They take a portion of your salary every month, even if you don’t watch much. Another user claims that entertainment services charge too much for the value they offer.

10. Cryptocurrencies and NFTs

While cryptocurrencies and fungible tokens may remain, many people have vowed never to spend a single cent to buy these digital assets as they are the easiest legal scam you can buy on the market, one claims. The end user thinks they are being heavily manipulated and have an easy path to financial loss.

This topic inspired me to write this post.


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