
10 things you waste money on, according to judgmental strangers

What would you never spend money on and don’t understand why others do it? For example, food with golden flakes? What? After someone asked for examples of ridiculous purchases on a popular online forum, here are the most voted answers.

1. Lottery tickets

Lottery is the most voted massive waste of money, people admitted they don’t understand why you spend money on tickets. However, one clarified that a couple of dollars here and there to entertain a dream is fine. But dumping hundreds to thousands of dollars on them is confusing.

2. Reddit Rewards

Answer number two is the infamous Reddit awards. One user explained that he received them many times, and the purpose of taking it was not to get more. He has absolutely no idea why you spend money on them, and frankly, neither do I.

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3. Vacation property with timeshare

Many people in the thread suggested that they would save money on timeshare travel. Some have suggested that if you use them, they can be very helpful. However, most people do not use them.

Another explained that you don’t have much information about the dates you want the most. As a result, you are limited to relaxing in one place. Contracts are almost impossible to terminate; hence “this is a scam”.

4. Designer items

Designer wallets and bags are not suitable for many. Spending hundreds to thousands of dollars on something to keep your money is “absurd” and “hard” for some. Someone shared that he has a colleague who boasts about their Gucci wallet, which is worth a thousand. Oh, no one likes this guy. Don’t be that guy or girl.

5. Cable TV

Turn off your cable TV already! Seriously, who still flushes their money down the toilet? According to many in the thread, in addition to sports and news, cable TV is lame and clogged with advertising.

6. Extravagant weddings

Many Redditors find it hard to believe why people spend insane amounts of money on their weddings! For example, the idea seems ridiculous when this money can be used as a down payment on a house to start your new life together, and not for an expensive party that lasts several hours, while the debt can last.

7. Funeral

Funerals are expensive, and many agree that funeral directors often act shamefully, using guilt tactics to get you to spend more to “respect and honor” your loved one. Others have clarified that spending more than $10,000 a few days after losing a loved one is mean.

8. Microtransactions

Talk about being out of the loop. Do you have to pay for features in video games that could previously be earned or bought with counterfeit money you collected in the game? I didn’t know that, and what a fucking plagiarism! Someone explained that this is a terrible gaming trend that people should be against; I look at you, Call of Duty, never ever.”

9. Pyramids of multi-level marketing (MLM)

I will NEVER include MLMs if they end up on the list of scams and waste of money! I’ve been there and done it a couple of times without realizing that I wasn’t signing up for a product. Instead, I opened myself up to be hounded and coerced into joining these inverted sales funnels.

At the time, I was a housewife who had recently lost her left field of vision and couldn’t deal with the lack of income, so I went for it. Needless to say, someone made money off my registration, and that someone wasn’t me. Say no to being a “baby boss”! Unless your goal is to alienate friends and family and be branded as “a sucker born every day.”

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10. Diamonds

Finally, the diamond business model has been cited as an overpriced, perceived value that creates high demand. The fact that people are clinging to this “rare” performance and paying unimaginable amounts of money for it, with people dying in the mines for pennies a day to collect it, is a reality that leaves many on this Reddit thread scratching their heads.

We hope you enjoy these Reddit confessions in things they will never spend their money on in a million years. This article is inspired by the Internet and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Wealthy Nickel.

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