
10 weirdest teacher interview questions – what would you say?

Have you ever stopped in an interview after being asked a strange question that you felt uncomfortable or out of place? You have company. A teacher recently took to Reddit and asked, “What was the weirdest question you had in a teaching job interview?” Here are the answers with the most votes.

1. Dying student

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One teacher confessed, “What would you do if a student died the week before graduation week? It was a strange random question, and it was difficult to answer, since a student of mine had died a couple of weeks before. In the same year, my second student died.

My answer to the question was just an awkward response that started off with, “Well, two weeks ago I had a student who committed suicide, so let me start with what I did for that. I don’t know what they wanted out of the question. I didn’t get the job either.”

2. Potato teaching

Another volunteered, “If you walked into a classroom and there were only potatoes, what would you do to teach?” Several teachers were confused. One confessed: “I thought they meant you should teach potatoes, not children.” Another added, “Ooooh!!!!! How do you teach children using only potatoes as a tool or example?

3. Extra hours

“How many hours am I willing to work,” shared one. “I thought it was a weird way to see if I was ready to work crazy hours. I replied that family is important to me. I would be willing to stay after school for a few days for work, but I wanted a healthy work-life balance. So I didn’t get a job.

4. Toilet training

“How do toilets work?” I think they wanted to see how confidently I could explain something that I knew nothing about, ”said one of them. Another suggested, “How stupid.

The honest answer to a question about something you don’t know anything about is to admit it and then either make an educated guess or suggest a wording to look up and/or for someone else to ask.”

5. Too much empathy

“Maybe it’s not that strange compared to others here, but when I was interviewing for my first teaching job, I was asked: do you think you can have too much empathy? It always haunted me because I found it a strange question, ”admitted another.

6. Chalk color

One educator stated, “I had an interviewer who asked me, if I were shallow, what color would I be and why? It was the first question that completely ruined my entire interview. I stopped and said that this was the first time I heard this question.”

7. Restrictions on drinking alcohol

Someone volunteered, “So we like to have a drink sometimes. What is your limit? While many agreed it sounded like a fun workplace, others admitted they were sober and didn’t find it appropriate. Finally, one of them half-jokingly replied, “A common interview question in Wisconsin.”

8. Fruit type

The teacher shared, “If you were a fruit, what kind of fruit would you be? I said “I’m a kiwi because at first glance you might think I’m rough and fluffy on the outside (I had a beard at the time) but if you look deeper you’ll find that I’m more colorful and sweeter than you.” expected.”

Other teachers responded, “Avocado when I feel bad. I’m not worth anything. When I’m good, I’m GREAT.” “Coconut, because I’m not local, and if you knock me down, I can kill you.” And: “I would be a mango! Sweet, but thick-skinned. Besides, not from here.

9. Compose a song

“The interviewers asked their first question in all seriousness and sincerity: please take a random item from this bag. Then please compose a short song about the subject on the spot.

Please also try to relate your song to your content area or training in general. If the song is too difficult for you, you can also write a poem and share it.” Context: I was interviewing for a high school ELA position at a charter school. I immediately got up and said, “No, this is not a school for me,” and left in the middle of the interview. When I left, the guy was completely stunned.”

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10. Parts of a tree

One teacher replied, “If you were part of a tree, which part of the tree would you be?” I have an expressive face and I was not offered this job.” Finally, one of them joked: “What a perfect setup! What part of the tree would you be? Leaves.”

We hope you enjoyed these weird interview questions shared by Reddit teachers. This article is inspired by the Internet and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Wealthy Nickel.

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