
4 steps to control your finances

It has beg for money become the new normal? It seems that the Internet has become an easy way for people to beg. I have shared many ways to make extra money from home, online, and even with creative ideas (like Dave Jobs for all of you Dave Ramsey fans).

From CyberBeg to BeggingMoney there is no shortage sites where you can turn to strangers for financial help.

But at some point, you need to bring your financial situation together and take responsibility for your successes and failures.

Here are five ways to do it.

Step 1. Estimate your income

Are you earning enough to support yourself, your partner and / or your children? According to the United States Census Bureau, the median household income in 2017 was $ 61,372. Income is calculated by taking into account wages, as well as any government benefits such as unemployment insurance, disability payments or alimony payments received, as well as any personal affairs, investments, or other permanent sources of income for all persons over the age of 15 in the household (regardless of whether they are related or not).

If you are not currently making enough money, find ways to make extra money, such as starting an online business or donating blood plasma for up to $ 400 a month. There are so many ways to make extra money that there are literally no excuses deserve to hold you back. You just need to make the decision to hurry up. Work nights and weekends as needed. Work two jobs if needed. Return to school if it improves your financial situation.


Step 2: Start Budgeting Every Time You Get Paid

Financial problems are often the result of cost overruns and poor budgeting (or worse, not meeting the budget altogether). Budgeting is so important, especially if you are an impulse shopper. You don’t need fancy planners or complicated spreadsheets for budgeting. I use this cheap family and financial account organizer from Dollar General (and used it for the years) to keep track of your budget.

Creating a payroll budgeting habit is important to understanding where your money is going. Once you start tracking your spending, you will be amazed at what can be easily cut back!

RELATED: Dave Ramsey’s Recommended Budget Interest Rates for Beginners

Best Budgeting Apps

If budgeting with pencil and paper isn’t your problem, using apps or spreadsheets can be a great way to keep track of expenses. The Balance has compiled a list of the best budgeting apps available to help you keep track of your income and expenses.

They are here:

By creating a written plan for your money every time you get paid, you will be able to set realistic financial goals as well as your expectations for your spending.

Step 3. Find ways to cut costs

There are certain things that we are used to, for example, television, the Internet, mobile phones, alcohol, cigarettes, [insert your vice here]…

Many people fall into the trap of contracts with DirecTV and AT&T and end up spending a lot more than they should. These services are a luxury. If you ask for money, you have no money for a television plan. It’s time to cut the cord and switch your cell phone to a service like Cricket Wireless.

It’s also obvious, but apparently impossible, to quit smoking, drinking, and buying things like energy drinks, sodas, and specialty coffees when you just can’t afford it.

Let’s say you have $ 5 in your name. $ 5 for the next 3 days prior to payday. You can buy your favorite Starbucks drink OR you can buy a loaf of bread and a sandwich OR you can buy a whole grilled chicken at Walmart. This is a no brainer!

RELATED: 10 Ways to Save $ 1,000 in 30 Days or Less

Step 4. Determine if babysitting is worth it

If you and your spouse are working outside the home, it is important to make sure it makes financial sense. Take a look at your wages at home (assuming you are not the breadwinner). Let’s say you take home $ 1,500 a month after taxes and insurance. Sounds good as an additional source of income for paying bills, doesn’t it?

But your childcare costs are $ 1,300 a month for your two young children and after school for your child. Time you spend away from your family probably not worth $ 200 a month clean, am I right?

When I left my banking career, this was my situation. After spending, I took home about $ 500 a month. It is hardly worth it.

That being said, you also need to take a close look inside and determine if you want to spend the whole day at home with your kids. I’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating. When I take a break, I become the best mom for my kids. When they are at school and I can work on my blog or YouTube channel, clean the house or run around on business, I love it.

Then, when it’s time for them to go home, I focus on the kids and I love it! You must find a balance if you decide to quit your job and stay at home with your kids.

Side note: If you are concerned about health care costs, find out how Christian health ministries paid nearly all of our $ 60,000 in medical bills and our premiums were only $ 135 a month!

How to stop a friend or family member from begging

Stop including them… Stop giving them $ 5 here, $ 10 there, putting gas in their tank, buying them groceries. Parents: Your grown children are adults. A little bit of harsh love will help them much more than a few dollars. Offer to proofread their resume or help them find a job. But stop giving them money

You are patching on a problem that goes much deeper than “How will I eat this week.”

Bottom line: take charge of your finances

Begging is not attractive to anyone. You are worth more than that. When you talk to friends and family, it is should be It’s nice to talk about how great things are going with you. It would be great if you ask them about their family without talking about yourself and your financial problems.

It’s okay to seek advice and help. It’s not good to have a pity party over and over again.

To summarize:

  1. Estimate income – get and keep the job.
  2. Make a budget
  3. Find ways to cut costs
  4. Ditch Daycare (if possible)

This article originally appeared on The Money Mix and has been republished with permission.

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