
“Can Money Really Buy Happiness?”: 10 Honest People’s Opinions

Do you think money can buy happiness? My answer to this question has evolved. Before I had money, I repeated the saying that happiness is not about money. But when I had money, I found that it relieves a ton of stress that weighs on you every day when you don’t have it. For some reason, someone was more interested in the opinion of men on this matter, and here are their answers.

1. Money can’t buy happiness

The first man argued that money cannot buy happiness, but the absence of money can lead to unhappiness. The second agreed that this was the answer. The reverse of the original statement is indeed true. Finally, a third person said that money buys security and relieves stress to a certain extent, but this is not the same as happiness. It might be a relief,” the last person continued.

2. It gives you time to seek happiness.

Money allows people more time to do what they love, which means happiness. One person remembered how they started out poor but got rich over time, and how money makes life easier but doesn’t necessarily make you happier. They also suggested not chasing happiness because it is a fleeting feeling, but instead looking for fulfillment.

3. It varies from person to person

One explained how money can buy happiness up to a point, when things like travel, walks, and other pleasures are taken into account. However, they concluded that the saying “happiness for money” is a bit complicated and can vary from person to person.

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4. Money can rent comfort

As human beings, everyone has their own set of priorities when they acquire a large amount of money. Money can’t always buy happiness, but it can rent some temporary solace. One person noted that many people would agree that not having to worry about income and how bills would be paid would be a huge relief.

5. Yes, but it doesn’t cure depression.

“What? Oh!” Someone exclaimed, money buys time, you can use time to think, and thinking buys happiness.Someone else noted that if you have clinical depression, money is not the only thing you need, but of course happiness can be bought .

6. Money is one of the keys; It’s not the only key needed

Others have shared that money is critical to finding happiness. However, there is a turning point where making too much money reduces your chances of enjoying money. Someone else remembered how they lived with an annual income of $30,000 and how unhappy they were.

They went on to say that an $80,000 annual salary was a great feeling and “happiness was at an all-time high”, but further increases in work would eventually lead to lower happiness.

7. If financial difficulties are the source of unhappiness

Some believe that money can provide stability, eliminate stress, and provide many opportunities, but not real friends or real human connections. These things are usually necessary for happiness. So money is the answer if financial struggle is the source of unhappiness.

8. Yes, of course

Many agree that money is the key to happiness. Ask anyone who has no money how much this will help solve their problems and make them happy; they won’t hesitate to give you a number. But, unfortunately, happiness is not in money.

9. It’s all a trap

Money cannot buy you satisfaction or love, but it does buy time and security. Another long time and security that you can use to find happiness, or you can give it up in the pursuit of more money. It’s a trap and people fall into it every time.

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10. Yes, but still lonely

When you have money, your problems go from worrying about having enough money to worrying about making as much money as possible. The latest user commented that the stress of poverty is turning into stress at work.

The more you work, the more you earn and the more stressful your work becomes. Money cannot buy true friends or true love. The last person admitted that he is still single after receiving the money.

This Reddit poll inspired me to write this article. This article is inspired by the Internet and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Wealthy Nickel.

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