
Do you feel lagging behind in life? Top 10 Tips When You’re Struggling: “Comparison is the thief of joy”

Do you sometimes struggle with the feeling that you are not where you should be? You have company. After someone asked Reddit, “How do you deal with feeling like you’re behind in life?”, these recommendations received the most votes.

1. Birth and death

Image credit: pathdoc/Shutterstock.

“The only strictly necessary milestones in life are birth and death. Everything else is optional,” suggested one. “Not everyone wants or needs the same things in life. Comparison is the thief of joy. As many say, everyone has their own pace. Everyone has their own story, and yours may be more unconventional.”

2. Appreciate where you are right now

Several people in the thread agreed with the statement: “Appreciate where you are right now. It’s the only way to break through the funk.” One added: “Exactly what I came to say, stop comparing yourself to where you ‘should’ be and find gratitude in where you are today. Praise yourself for what you have done to get where you are today!”

3. I’m here for another day

“Being grateful that I have a life,” replied another. “Many people have died during the pandemic, and many people, even young and healthy, die daily. So when I’m in the funk, I tell myself I’m here for another day, even if I’m behind.”

4. Remind yourself that there is no hurry

“I feel it right now, but I also keep reminding myself that I am in no rush and I can’t compare my life to others. It’s just depressing,” said another. Many Redditors agreed that life is not a race and one should keep doing their best.

5. Be your own standard

Someone volunteered: “I’m 51 and I’m very happy that I’m 51 because the energy I’ve wasted thinking this way in the past is just such a waste – I learned not to do it a long time ago. So who do you compare yourself to and why? Another added: “I am my own standard. I turned 40 and this switch turned on. I’m still a little drunk on that feeling.”

6. Life is non-linear

“Usually it comes from comparing yourself to someone else or from an obvious ‘social standard. I am ahead of others in what they are behind, and vice versa. Life is non-linear. There is no set order of things. Some things I have now and some I don’t. They got something before me, but I didn’t. It’s OK. I like to always count my blessings.”

7. Measure yourself only by yourself

Someone shared: “I’m trying this new thing: I measure myself by my efforts, not my achievements. It makes me feel much better about myself.

Yes, six months ago I compared myself to myself and avoided comparing myself to others. I also don’t use social media other than to connect with college friends and view art on Instagram, which helps me not even see other people’s lives.”

8. Everyone falls behind in life

“Everyone in life lags behind in something! I worked for the biggest tech companies right out of my bachelor’s degree. I have a great career, but I have never had a relationship,” admitted one of them.

“I know other married and still cashiers in their hometown (not too ashamed of the job). Some have traveled the world, while others have started families. It’s hard to do everything at once. You are doing well as long as one area of ​​your life is a priority and is on the right track.

9. Everyone has their own schedule

“Oh man, I feel it right now,” another replied. “Some of my friends are getting married, some have kids, the pandemic has put me two years behind what I want to do in my career and I’m just playing catch up. But I remember one professor at university once saying that everyone has their own schedule, so you need to stop looking at their schedule and focus on yours.”

10. Avoid Social Media

One commented, “I stay away from social media so I don’t compare myself to others. As trite as it may sound, comparison is the thief of joy. We subconsciously compared our shortcomings with the achievements of people on social networks.

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That is why it is difficult for us to appreciate what is in front of us. Remember to trust the process. It may take some time to get to the top, but it’s worth it. Focus on your goal and move towards it step by step. Don’t let other people pressure you. You are the captain of your own ship.

We hope you enjoyed this Reddit discussion on how to deal with feeling like you’re behind the times. This article is inspired by the Internet and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Wealthy Nickel.

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