

How the Honey app makes money by saving you money

From Netflix’s ever-increasing monthly fees to Wikipedia’s Sarah McLachlan’s donation requests, some websites are pretty transparent about how they make money. Others are less obvious, especially those that help you make and save money. For example, how does Honey’s price comparison and coupon app make money? A quick web search turns up several results that […]

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10 Money Saving Hacks for College Students

There are, of course, great ways to save money in college – budgeting, looking for scholarships, finding a job on campus. But how to save money every day? What cool money-saving hacks can you use to save money on everyday purchases? Well, that’s exactly what you’ll learn today. Here are 10 (unconventional) ways to save […]

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Can saving too much be bad for you?

I’ve always been an aggressive saver. When I was little, my parents taught me to always have money for a rainy day, and I’ve been wearing rubber boots ever since. To give you an idea of ​​my obsession with savings, I worked three jobs during my college years to increase my savings rate, and to […]

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