
10 biggest disadvantages of being a man, according to men

Women often say, “It’s a man’s world.” As a woman, I can’t imagine how men don’t have a time in their lives when most systems and biology favor them. How bad can it be to not have a period each month and all the emotional turmoil that comes with it? This is a preconceived notion and a little problematic.

Maybe studying some of the disadvantages that men face will form the right perspective. Here’s what a popular men’s online forum has to say about the biggest downsides to being a man.

1. No one fights for men

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One man suggests that there is a lack of male advocacy that is not sexist. He believes that many modest, reasonable ideas do not receive due attention. Instead, people are entertained by mediocre thoughts like the woman creeps that say men should only rely on dating apps or bars to get to know women.

He had to go to therapy to deal with his loneliness and they began to connect with people at the gym. Physical interaction, like going to the climbing gym, really helped him. However, he is sure that he will get a lot of noise if he offers it online.

2. Cheerful uncle is a scoundrel

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The cheerful uncle says that most people consider men who like to communicate with small children to be freaks. He loves his nieces and likes to take them to the zoo, to the beach, to the water park or the aquarium. They spend a lot of spa days and tea parties. Unfortunately, strangers give him sidelong glances, which makes him feel like he’s doing something wrong.

3. Emotional neglect

work from home work for retirees
Image credit: goodluz/Shutterstock.

The trans woman comments that they have no idea how they survived years of emotional neglect. The emotional support women receive after living as a woman is incredible.

Once you tell your girls that you are depressed, they will stay with you until you get better. She says that you can discuss anything with them and throw out the accumulated feelings. Ever since she was a boyfriend, she’s only been offered a shrug and a beer after she opened up about her depression.

4. Women see you as privileged.

upset woman
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Many men agree that the privileges women think they have apply only to the richest men in society. In truth, men are less privileged due to efforts to eliminate the problems of structural oppression.

An elderly single father was looking for college scholarships and was puzzled to find countless scholarships for older women and single mothers. The men had no such options. They say the trend of rushing to support single mothers without doing the same for single fathers is getting old. Men need help too.

5. Sport is your default identity.

10 biggest disadvantages of being a man, according to men
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Get that person out of the ball game. He admits he has to constantly explain why they didn’t watch the “big game”. The dropout always occurs after the question, “What sport?” For several years he tried to watch sports in order to find a common language with his colleagues and move up the career ladder. However, he believes that sport is all about watching people play the same game over and over. Why does he have zero interest?

6. You were never tall enough

woman and man smile ss msn - 10 biggest disadvantages of being a man, according to men

Another man says he can’t get over the fact that online dating sucks for men under six feet tall. Forget about women looking right at you if you don’t meet the absurd height requirements. He recalls spending time with his siblings and voicing feminine opinions about his profile.

All he wanted was to communicate with people and get to know them. However, he had an acute shortage of matches, which made him sad. He thinks like a man, meeting someone today is limited and expensive.

7. Loneliness

lonely man
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Men get lonely too. One man says he is very lonely all the time. It seems to him that people turn to him only when they need something. Because he doesn’t interact with women, he has no idea how to get close to them.

He always feels like a scoundrel trying to get into women’s pants. Even though he exercises daily, is kind, hygienic, and has a well-paid job, he is just plain weird. Once he starts hanging out with women, it’s fine until the chance for a date comes along. It seems to him that he is facing a wall, which he is ill-equipped to climb.

8. Nothing is free

relaxed woman
Image credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

According to one answer, it is not very pleasant when women are invited to many places just because they are women. This man says that no one ever offered them to fly anywhere or take him on a yacht. The clubs also allow women to be first and get away with bad behavior in order to keep them.

9. Men are not parents

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The man says that there is a difference in the treatment of the new mom and dad. All the commercials are focused on moms like they are single parents. He notes that even his child’s swimming class was called “Mom and I swim.” Their child’s school and other organizations, such as the parents’ committee, contact his wife first.

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10. Men do everything

elderly retired man
Image credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Finally, one user shared that society expects so much from men. There are a million things to do: take out the trash, hold the door, pay for dates, and fill up the gas. He says that women fought so hard for equal rights, but they drew a line with equal responsibility. Men also want to be done for them.

This a thread inspired this post.

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