Credit Cards
How to remove negative items from your credit report
If you are trying to improve your credit score but your credit report has a few shortcomings, there are a few things you can do. Negative items on your credit report can stay there for seven to ten years, but you may want to try to remove them sooner, especially if they are the result […]
Differences between different versions of FICO Score
If you’ve been working on staying on top of your credit score, you’ve probably done your research and found that FICO scores are commonly used in lending decisions. The FICO score is a three-digit number between 300 and 850 that gives lenders and credit card issuers an idea of your creditworthiness. If you’ve been a […]
Credit card refund: how it works
Sometimes a credit card purchase that seemed like a great idea when you made it turns out to be a huge mistake. While you can return an item or cancel a service and receive a refund, make sure you understand the return process or your credit could suffer. There are many reasons why you might […]
9 ways to restore credit after bankruptcy
If you are like most people, you have realized that Chapter 7 bankruptcy is not the end of the road, but the beginning of a long and positive journey. After paying off your debts in court, you have a unique opportunity to restore your credit without overwhelming financial burden. But that doesn’t mean you won’t […]
How long does it take to build a business loan?
The content of this page is accurate as of the publication date; however, some offers from our partners may have expired. Browse our list of the best credit cards or use our CardMatch™ tool to find the cards that suit your needs. Most business owners don’t like to hear this, but when it comes to […]
The Best Credit Cards for Beginners
Summary of the Best Credit Cards for Beginners Other Strategies for Getting a Loan So You Can Get Your First Credit Card If you’re not a college student or don’t have the savings to make a security deposit for a secured credit card, there are other ways you can increase your credit to the point […]
Spending tracking with major credit card issuers
If you want to understand where your money is going, you need to keep track of your spending. You can review each individual purchase in turn, but it’s much easier to use spending tracking tools to help you identify trends. Does most of your grocery budget go to groceries or restaurants? Do you keep subscribing […]
How to pay off someone else’s credit card debt
The COVID-19 pandemic and inflation have taken a toll on people’s financial lives. While consumers charge more to live on, the relief is short-lived. Payments come within a few weeks, and growing balances are even more worrying. A survey conducted by in September 2022 found that among Americans who roll over monthly balances, 6 […]
Loan repayment calculator – additional payments
To get started with the calculator, you need to know the following loan details: Your loan balance The annual interest rate on your loan Number of months left until the end of the loan term Loan repayment calculator Additional payments How does the loan repayment calculator with additional payments work? The MU30 loan calculator is […]
Why is my car insurance so high? (And how to lower it)
It seems like car insurance premiums keep going up and up. And for good reason – they are. According to AAA 2022 Your driving costs study, the average annual cost of full coverage for the average sedan is now $1,694. This is more than 20% more than in 2021. While there is little you can […]