When do credit card companies report to credit bureaus?
While keeping an eye on your credit, you may have realized that a decline in your credit card balance will generally not immediately affect your credit, nor will any growing balances on your credit cards. Not having a bill change soon after paying off your credit card balance can be frustrating if you’re trying to […]
Debt negotiations with credit companies
End of the month and time to pay the bills. You look at your credit card statement and see again that you can only make the minimum payment. This position is shared by many US consumers. As of the last quarter of 2021, the average U.S. credit card balance was $5,589, according to Experian. If […]
Rainbow capitalism: how companies make money on LGBTQ +
Every year in June, every major retailer you walk into almost hits you in the face with a rainbow. all when you enter the front door. I admit that, like most people, I have been easily influenced by the Target’s Pride section in the past. This means that I, like most, contribute to rainbow capitalism. […]