

Tax credits, deductions and adjustments

Nobody likes the idea of ​​paying more income tax than they need to, and understanding the various options for reducing your tax bill can save you a significant amount of money every year. By using tax credits, deductions, and adjustments correctly, you can seriously reduce the amount you turn over to the IRS. The problem […]

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10 deductions you didn’t know you could do as a business owner

As a millennial, chances are you have a side hustle that brings in extra cash. As frustrating as it may be, this income must be reported on your tax return. The good news is that you are a small business owner, which means you can take tax deductions to reduce the amount of tax you […]

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7 tax deductions and incentives for college students to save money

Over the past 20 years, the cost of college tuition has tripled and has grown nearly 8 times faster than wages. While public higher education is mostly the responsibility of the state, the federal government does encourage continuing education through tax deductions and tax incentives. To see how you can take advantage of these tax […]

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