

10 Things You Shouldn’t Buy If You’re Not Ready to Spend Money on Quality

What NOT to buy if you are not ready to spend money on a quality version? I’ll go first and say sushi. To this day one of my favorite pieces. Scrubs The episode where the guy explains that the sushi he ate made him sick and he “came free with the gas station” at the […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Worry About the Stock Market Falling in a Recession

If you’ve been following the news (and your own portfolio) lately, you’re probably wondering if all this volatility means we’re headed for a stock market crash. Although signs of an impending recession have begun to appear again, there is no clear evidence that we are in for a deep dive in this direction. So far, […]

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Why you shouldn’t rush to buy a house

All my friends who bought houses before their 30th birthday I loved declare that they no longer “throw money away” by paying rent. Although I am a homeowner now, when I was a renter, I never felt like It was wasted money. In the end, I traded my rent check for the apartment I needed… […]

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