Credit Cards

5 reasons to refinance a car loan (and save money)

Car ownership can be expensive. Apart from rent or mortgage, paying for your car can be one of your biggest household expenses. According to AAA, the average cost of owning and operating a vehicle is $ 9,666 per yearand even more if you drive further or own a larger car. Fortunately, there are some pretty […]

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Here’s The Truth About Certified Used Cars (CPO)

If you’re buying a used car, you’ve probably noticed that more than a few ads proudly say “CPO” or “Certified” in the headlines, as well as a higher price tag. The CPO mark can instill confidence that this is an excellent used vehicle to trust. In fact, 74% of young shoppers are willing to pay […]

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Lacking Financial Aid? 10 ways to pay for college tuition

When I went to college, I did some serious research on every school I considered. From their premises and surrounding areas to professors teaching classes – I left no stone unturned (or so i thought). It turned out that I had overlooked a very important factor in choosing a school: price. That is, I knew […]

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A look at the pros and cons

You think college is expensive now – it is estimated that four years at the top-level school will cost a whopping $ 490,000 in 2036, up from $ 290,000 today. Yeah, that means college is going double for the next several generations. So, millennial parents should be saving NOW if they ever want to send […]

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Car loans – how to finance your car intelligently

One of the biggest mistakes people make when buying a new car is forgetting to include the cost of car loans in the total price. For example, let’s say you get the dealer to subtract $ 2,000 from the sticker. Amazing work! However, using your inspiration, the dealer coaxes you into putting in $ 0 […]

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7 ways to make money on Airbnb without owning property

With over 5.6 million Airbnb worldwide, you probably know about somebody who hosts Airbnb. For some, hosting can be a lucrative business, while others may even turn it into a permanent job! However, we cannot afford to own property. But does this mean that we should be missing out on the opportunity to make money? […]

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27 ways to make the most of your holiday bonus

Whenever you get extra money, think about how it can help you get closer to your financial goals. This does not necessarily mean that you cannot get some of this unexpected monetary gain. But you should at least think about how part bonus money can help your financial future. Need ideas? Here are some financial […]

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What to do with your 401K after retirement?

The rules for what to do with your 401 (k) after retirement can be tricky. While you should eventually start using your employer-sponsored retirement account, you have several options for withdrawing your money. You can face penalties if you start spreading too early, so it’s important to know your options and the consequences they might […]

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Amazing things the insurance renter does and does not cover

Let’s be honest reading your fine print tenants insurance politics not really fun… In the end, your insurance Company He’s definitely not hiring John Green to write this, and trying to make sense of a bunch of legal texts can be, well, exhausting. But if you are one of the lucky ones who read the […]

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20 Bitcoin Slang Terms and Idioms You Should Know

Cryptocurrency is everywhere you look. If you’ve studied Bitcoin, you’ve probably come across confusing jargon there and throughout the crypto market. Whether you are a seasoned investor or new to the wonderful world of bitcoin, you should be very familiar with the various crypto slang and idioms associated with it. 1. HODL Think bitcoin enthusiasts […]

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