Credit Cards
Protecting your loan from unforeseen circumstances
The following post was sponsored by our partner, FICO. The analysis and opinions in the article are our own and may not reflect the views of FICO. Learn more about our editorial policy. Your credit score is one of your most important assets and having a good credit score will help your finances in a […]
How to make a healthy eating plan on a budget
This cannot be denied. Meal planning takes work. And when you’re on a budget and want to cook healthy meals for your family, meal planning can seem like a daunting task. But it’s possible to create a healthy eating plan that your family loves, even if your budget is tight. The point is to combine […]
The best pre-workout for women
Finding the best pre-workout for women can be a daunting task. The main problem that people face is choosing the one that suits their needs. Understanding the benefits of a pre-workout supplement can help you reach your fitness goals while giving you the endurance you need. There are many benefits to taking these supplements and […]
15 cheap meals that will save you money
Going to restaurants and eating fast food can be incredibly expensive. One of the most important ways to increase your budget is to cook cheap meals at home. To save on productsyou need to get creative by cooking cheap recipes. Budget meals are usually associated with eating things like packaged ramen, canned chili peppers, or […]
How to remove PMI | Money under 30
I recently paid off Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) on my mortgage. For me, that’s a savings of just under $200 a month… which is significant. Private mortgage insurance is the monthly expense associated with certain mortgages. This is usually required if you have made a down payment of less than 20% of the home’s appraised […]
What is a bad credit score?
The content of this page is accurate as of the publication date; however, some offers from our partners may have expired. Browse our list of the best credit cards or use our CardMatchâ„¢ tool to find the cards that suit your needs. Many people wonder what is a bad credit score and the answer is […]
Credit cards are essential for financial well-being
Why use credit cards? Other payment options, such as debit cards and cash, may seem like an easier way to stay on budget. Credit cards are notorious for encouraging cardholders to spend money they don’t have, especially when tempting offers come in the mail. But here at Money Under 30, we believe a good credit […]