

How to pay bills if you don’t have money

It can feel like your whole world is collapsing around you when you’re faced with a bunch of bills and you don’t have the money to pay them. You may not realize it until you have money, but you may have options. Before you panic, follow these seven steps to find the relief you need. […]

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Financial privilege | Money under 30

Financial privilege is a term used to describe the benefits people have in society due to their economic position. For example, people who come from wealthy families are more likely to have access to financial resources that others cannot, such as the ability to graduate from college without debt or get help starting a business. […]

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Loan repayment calculator – money up to 30 years

Are you considering taking out a loan? The Money Under 30 loan repayment calculator can tell you two things: How long it will take to repay a given amount with a given monthly payment. How much you will need to pay per month to pay off a certain amount in a fixed period of time. […]

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9 things you should NEVER spend money on

We all know that there are things that you should never spend money on, such as cigarettes and gambling. It’s an obvious no-no. Also, there are things that people *say* should not spend money on but are just ridiculous – like avocado toast and morning latte. (Umm… hi! They are delicious.) So the question is: […]

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Rainbow capitalism: how companies make money on LGBTQ +

Every year in June, every major retailer you walk into almost hits you in the face with a rainbow. all when you enter the front door. I admit that, like most people, I have been easily influenced by the Target’s Pride section in the past. This means that I, like most, contribute to rainbow capitalism. […]

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10 ways to add value to your money

If you have or recently invested $20,000, congratulations! Saving (or inheriting) that kind of money in a short period of time is not easy and not accepted. But if you misinvest that money, you are actually losing money due to inflation. Here are nine ways you can invest that money, including recommended allocations and other […]

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Mom Knows Best: 10 Money Lessons From Moms

Mother’s Day is a time to express gratitude to the mothers who raised us. And here at Money Under 30, we especially want to honor all the thrifty moms who taught us how to balance our ledgers. That’s why we asked our network to share some of the best financial advice their mothers gave them. […]

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How to save money on food and drink while traveling

Now that we’ve covered some common ways to save money while traveling, let’s focus on the real reason most of us travel: food. And not only food, but also coffee, and tea, and booze. Eating and drinking properly is essential for any journey, but doing so on a tight budget can be tricky. That’s why, […]

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How to send money from a credit card

If you’re wondering how to send money with a credit card but are worried that you’ll run into hidden fees or charges, you’re right to be concerned. After all, the various apps and tools you can use to send money with a credit card incur additional fees, although the amount you’ll pay varies and may […]

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The 7 Best Coupon Apps to Save Money and Fight Inflation

With inflation at its highest level in four decades, saving money by any means is a top priority. Coupon apps are one way to ensure you get the best deal with every purchase, whether it’s online or in store. No matter what products you buy, there is often a coupon to help you save your […]

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